The market today is full of fake parts “branded” as genuine and OEM products. Which is a concern for many premium car owners because this can result in buying fake parts for the price of the original. At worst, this can even lead to vehicle damage or even risk the life of the driver in the long run. Our No. 1 priority is to ensure you and your vehicle the quality it deserves. Ever since 2014, FETTMANN PARTS SDN. BHD. specializes in sourcing both genuine and OEM parts for luxury brands like Audi, Volkswagen, Porsche, and Bentley. All our genuine parts and high-quality OEM parts are imported from European countries and provided to all of Asia.
With more than 12,000 customers served, we strive to provide the highest level of customer satisfaction by giving honest advice with full transparency so that you know what you are getting. Looking for more information on how we can serve you? Or even looking to find genuine parts for your vehicle? Contact us today to help you get started.